Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Turbo Fire!!

Hey Everyone!
So today is my rest day from Turbo Fire and it was much needed! On Monday I did the first workout in the set and then yesterday I actually did the wrong one, I did the one from Monday again, which was the 30 minute workout instead of the 15 HIIT workout. The 15 minute HIIT workout is 15 minutes of fire drills, in which you go hard for about 40 seconds and then you rest! I did this before when I first started this workout and it definitely had me sweating my living room. I was fortunately enough to do the workout yesterday after suffering the night before. I believe that I had food poisoning because I had the shivers and I was throwing up. Many ladies that I consulted with told me that I was preggers, but nope I'm not, thank you Lord! I am not ready for the chapter in my life, I'm currently just ready for the GET FIT Chapter. But like I said before, today is the day off and tomorrow is Fire 30 which I am sure is going to be very tiring. Chalene Johnson, the instructor for Turbo Fire, said that she actually works out before her kids wake up in the morning but I work from about 7:30 to 5 and if I worked out before 6 I would be pretty tired for the day. So I just work out when I come home at the end of the day and then potentially eat some dinner. I have been attempting to stop all hunger by drinking water first because I read something that said that you usually are not hungry but thirsty. So, that has been actually working. I went to Trader Joe's on Tuesday and bought 90 bucks of groceries, gasp!! But it is well worth it b/c I have been taking my lunch to work and what not. Some of the best things that I bought were Organic Corn Chips and Potstickers...OH MAN, and the best thing about the Potstickers is that I can have 7 in one serving and that is awesome. I have not been following the Turbofire eating plan, that would be a little to expensive but I have been watching my food intake. I have cut down on meat, in which I actually have not had anything other than chicken. I have not had beef this week thus far because I also heard that beef takes 7 days to digest...and that is just scary. So I may do beef at the most, once a week. But all in all, it is only day 3 of Turbo Fire but I am hoping to see some results after a while. I definitely know that I have cut calories and I am feeling somewhat energetic. Only time will tell how good this work plan is or not. Until tomorrow!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Mud Run -- Somewhat Life Changing

I can almost remember a time when fitness was everything that I actually thought about. Throughout high school I did not really care about my grades but all I wanted to do was get on the track after that bell rang after eight period. I would hurry and get my clothes out of my locker, go into the ladies bathroom, and get dressed in in my matching spandex outfit. I thought that I was hot!! After running in high school I achieve a partial scholarship at Temple University and while there Track and Field as a full time job for me. I woke up every day at 5:15 am to be at practice at 6:00 am to run 300 repeats. I did not have much time for a social life in college and I receive a full scholarship after the first semester.

Lets fast forward almost 10 years. Where as my drive gone? I think down the toilet. Time to get back on track. I am very uncomfortable about my body and at the age of 28 years old I have no one to blame by myself. Laziness, check!! Time to get on track and not do this anymore -- there is no reason for me to be overweight. Do I have kids, I have a husband, no. It is all about self control and getting my lazy butt off the coach watching red box movies and working out.
Yesterday I did the Delaware Mud Run with my coworkers and it was a lot of fun. Even though I am over my running weight I have noticed that my out of shape is not the same as some others due to the athletic background. I was not overly tired from running and doing the obstacles and I was thinking --- I wonder how fast I could run if I did not have this extra weight on it. This time last year I was a size 4, currently I am a size 8...but not like a small a big healthy 8 to 10 with a candy bar sticking out of their mouth. So time for a life change...and it all starts today.
I am going back to my old mindset that I really watched what I ate. And as you get older it is definitely harder to lose the weight but I am about to divide and conquer on this by the time next year comes around -- I will be on point and people will ask me what I have been doing for fitness when I definitely miss.
I am checking out of the group of people that are overweight and busting into those that are very fit and ones with strong cores (abs!)

I can say about 6 months ago I spent $250 on Turbo Fire from Beach Body and let me tell you -- this workout is not for the faint of heart. When my friend and I were doing the P90X workout previously, I can say that it definitely hurt -- but this one hurts just as good. Today I started with the Fire 30 workout and it is all about mind over matter!! The instructor Chalene is very motivating in which she just knows that I am getting tired and says something like, "YOU GOT YOUR SECOND WIND" and I look at the tv like..."I do?" and then I proclaim "I DO!!" and turn it out a notch. During the workout I was sweating so hard that I did not want to lift my arms anymore because my dove had worn off but I bared the funk and just kept moving!! After the workout was over the entire front of my shirt was soaked and I decided to do the 10 minute abs. I first thought, these wont be that hard because it is only 10 minutes and I was quickly correct. My abs are going to be hurting tomorrow and that is good -- the good kinda hurt.

Today I am going to meet my friend at Trader Joe's and my coworker gave me some key things to eat. Done with eating out all the time, check! Done with the sweets, check! And done with being the fat chick on the block!!

I thought that I would create this blog as motivation to actually do the Turbo Fire workouts and write down different good eats and recipes. Its all about doing what is right for your body -- the Lord says that your body is your temple so it is time to take care of it!!